Tuesday, June 26, 2012

One Big Happy Family

I have no real idea of what I am doing, but I just felt it had to be done. After telling Brandon I was 'starting' a blog, he replied, "because you don't have enough to do?" Well, I guess I don't. Why sure being a "mother of two" (wow, still crazy to say and hear) is busy, it is important for me to take the time to share with friends and family our life moments.

These days, Elle (3 yrs, 3 months) is very much into creative play, and role playing with her stuffed animals. She insists that every one of her million stuffed animals (only a minor exaggeration) has a 'family'. I guess I should be proud that she takes so pride in the family unit, but it is really causing for some serious bedroom overload and pocketbook depletion. Anyone who has seen her bed knows what I am taking about.  Just today we had a costume party with some of her favorites.

Despite her "big feeling tantrums" (something we have been struggling with lately), she is such a joy to be around. She is usually the life of the party and the social butterfly. Brandon and I are always saying she is 3 going on 13. Her new catch phrases are "oh, my gosh!", "not now, I am too busy" and "don't worry, I will protect you". As much as I adore her, I am really praying that her little brother, is a little more easy going and even keeled. Being a second born, I don't think he has a choice.

So far, Elle has only accepted Harlan as part of the "one big happy family", a term Elle coined, and we've adopted. Other than an occasional talking to, or smile, she pretty much keeps her distance from him. She will give him his paci if he seems upset. Not sure if it is only to quiet him, or because she wants to help and make him happy, but either way, it helps me out. I wasn't exactly expecting a warm invitation from her in the beginning, but I was hoping that by now, she would be showing some interest.  Oh well, it could be worse. Harlan is happy as can be regardless.

Harlan 5 months old

Harlan has always had a great demeanor despite his digestional issues. That is partly, how I just knew something wasn't right. After weeks of painful cries and discomfort and many calls to the doctor, the doctor found blood in his stools. Not red blood that you or I could see, but it was there and lots of it. They actually say, if you can see the blood it isn't bad, it is when you don't that there is a major underlying issue. To quote his doctor "he is in excruciating pain". The cause was something in my diet he was reacting to. For nearly 2 months, I was unable to eat wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, tree nuts and peanuts. Surprisingly, it really wasn't that bad. I managed to still eat. Actually, I found that I could eat all the potato chips and tortilla chips I wanted. Essentially, as Brandon says, I had been training for this my whole life! Boy was he right. Chips, have always, and will always be my favorite guilty pleasure. After many trips to the doctor and a trip to the allergist, Harlan was diagnosed with FPIES (Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome). It sounds really horrible, but it really means that he can't digest certain proteins properly. It is 100% treated through diet, and he should hopefully outgrow it by 18 months. He is now on a special formula called Nutramigen, or otherwise referred to as "liquid gold" (due to the astronomical price of it). Truly now, he is so happy and healthy and has the most incredible thighs to prove it! Ironically, through all of these diet restrictions, I discovered that I have an intolerance to gluten and dairy. I guess everything really does happen for a reason.

I will say that having two kids brings on new challenges, but also puts things into perspective. The once "magazine mom" (a term my neighbor, Kenny, uses to describe me) I once was, realizes that everything can't be controlled and perfect all of the time. I now have to pick my battles and make sacrifices. I can't watch both video monitors as intently as I would like, and my new found lush, long beautiful hair gets wrapped up in a bun every day. But it works. I think my sister and close friends appreciate the more relaxed, Ashley and Brandon. I think Brandon and I are still getting used to us.

That being said, I hope this blog helps my family and friends to feel more connected to us, since we are  fairly boring. Brandon is concerned that I might use this blog to air out our dirty laundry, but I think our broken dryer has that covered!


  1. Nicely written! You seemed really happy and relaxed on Saturday...I'm glad the stress of being a mother of two has actually made you more mellow!

  2. I'm so happy you're doing this Ash! I really enjoyed reading and I think it'll be such a healthy outlet for you. Aaaaand your kids are adorable. Love love love you mucho. xo, Court

  3. great job! you have inspired me to pull out (or up) my rusty blog and get with it.

  4. Love your blog!!! So happy you're doing one!

  5. You are a great writer! Loved your first post and I look forward to reading more :)

  6. I don't care what Brandon says, it's a great Blog! Keep it up. We always like to get the "news from the front."

    Will and Kerrin

  7. You got it lady! What a great way to express yourself (easy therapy ;), use your skills and write about your life!!! I've got one complaint, you're not boring!!! xoxo ~ Guess who

  8. I LOVE your blog Ashley! You write with both humor and reality of life, and you have an adorable family! Keep at it, I'll keep enjoying... Cathy
