Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Mendocino 'Trip'

The Burgdorf family tradition has been to take a big week long vacation together in...the first time we went to Hawaii and the next year we went to Fort Bragg for what Otto called the "poor man's Hawaii" (I find it all to be fantastic). This year, we went to Mendocino just minutes away from the house in Fort Bragg (since the year before was such a big success). Prior to leaving, I was telling a friend {Molly} we were heading off for a vacation. She quickly responded with, "you are going on a trip...a vacation is without children!" She could not have been more right.  Don't get me wrong, we love our kids, but they sure make it tough to relax. Nonetheless, we managed to enjoy ourselves. 

Our house was beautiful and located right on a bluff looking over the Caspar beach (in between Fort Bragg and Mendocino). We could hear the sea lions "ark-ing", the seagulls, the waves, and we could watch the fog roll in and out (it never really rolled out unfortunately, except for the day we left).

The house

the view of the beach from the house

The trip got off to a rocky start for the Burgdorf's and Hustad's (traveling together). Upon Tanya's arrival to the ranch, she opened her trunk and out popped an entire container of lego's. By the look on Lucas's face, it must have been his box.

still in good spirits

Then, once they left the ranch, after traveling over an hour, they realized that due to a fire, hwy 20 was closed and they had to turn around and head a different direction. Since we left from Davis, we went 80 to 37 to 101 to 128. We made it in 4 1/.2 hours. It took them 7. It was a good thing it was our night for dinner :)

The house was perfect for our family...maybe a little too perfect. Many times we just wanted to veg inside instead of exploring what the city had to offer. I also blame the dreary weather for that. I am really a pretty lazy natured person, and sadly, I think my daughter has inherited that trait from me.  On a walk to the lighthouse, she had Brandon carry her most of the way. 

Even a bike ride (with her in the Burley trailer) seemed daunting to her. I have to say, it was not easy pulling Elle in the was a little too daunting for me. Brandon "bjorned" the boy while he was riding. Not sure how safe that is, but it was our only option, and it makes for a great story (and picture).

We also practiced some sports while we were there...hitting the baseball, throwing the football, catching, etc.

The highlight of this was Elle saying to Tanya and me, "you know what would be funny...if I throw the football at Daddy's beer and knock it over!" I am not sure Tanya or myself actually thought she would/could do it, but before we knew it, she had. On her first shot, even. The best part was that it wasn't Daddy's beer, it was papa's! Not sure if he thought it was as funny as we did. Sadly, shortly after this, Elle tripped on a baseball and fell on the gravel, hurting her hand, knee and elbow. It put an end to this fun time. Poor thing still complains of the pain on her elbow (it really was pretty bad).

We also spent a lot of our "lazy" time in the hot tub, or the "hot pool" as Elle so adorably calls it. There are certain words and phrases I don't even like correcting her on because they are so cute. That is one of them for sure.

Who knew that Barbie's would be the hit toy amongst the cousins...funny faces, yes. Otto's gonna hate me for this pic, but it is too cute to pass up. There is nothing wrong with two XY chromosomes, playing with Barbie's anyway!
When we weren't in the hot tub, or playing ball,we were at the beach.

 we relaxed
 did cartwheels
 Drank beer
 did funny moves
 wave walked
 played in the sand

 and we launched rockets ( we never did recover it). It was one heck of a launch. I couldn't even see it the sky it shot up so high.

 the launch
off it went

 We also did some bike races.

 I don't like to brag, but I did win one. If I were on a regular bike, Tanya would have smoked me for sure, but this time I had an advantage...

Either way, victory smells nice!

 Lucas is our photographer
piggy pile

If we weren't doing ay of these fun outdoorsy things, we were playing inside. They had a Wii with a ton of video games, and though I am not for many of them, they had the dance video one, and Lucas and I had a blast and worked up quite the sweat, I might add. This maybe something I would like to purchase in the near future (maybe then I might actually exercise).
 We also did some reading
Trudie, Tanya and Brandon managed to sneak away to go horseback riding. The story was told that Brandon was riding the horse for Mongo, from Blazing Saddles.  It was just massive and a true Clydesdale...When he got off he looked like the quintessential cowboy bumper know the bull-legged one. Tanya's horse was a butt sniffer and I am not sure what attributes Trudie's horse portrayed, but I think they all had a lovely time. I do know, they all came home and poured themselves a stiff drink :) 


Despite Harlan keeping us (Brandon and me) all night, every night with his cold, and sweet potato FPIES reaction, it was a restful trip. I wish the weather god's  shined a little more light , but it did beat the triple digit heat wave we were having in Davis. A big thanks to my amazing in-laws for yet another generous family trip!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A day in the Life of a Preschooler

 Well, another year of preschool has begun...

September 5th, 2012

 Elle, attends Davis Parent Nursery School (DPNS), a parent cooperative school, meaning I have to "work" one day every other week, attend parent lectures/classes, do weekend cleanings, etc... I know what your thinking, but it really is quite wonderful. My favorite part is getting to see Elle interact at school, and to get to know the other kids and parents of her classmates. Last year she was in the 2-day session (T,TH). Now, she is in 3-day and goes M,W,F. I already LOVE this year. The children are so much better at problem solving, they do more interactive play, and are way more self sufficient. Today was a work day for me. Thanks to Trudie, for watching Harlan, I was able to.  Despite being chaotic as all get out, it was a lot of fun. I was in charge of the "block area", which is the big rug area, the kitchen, dress up area and the quiet area. Wow, was there a lot of kids all at once, but a lot of other moms were there helping their children transition, so they lent a helping hand. The kids were all so adorable, and dress up was the choice of the day! All the girls, and one boy (Gabriel), wanted to be princesses and get married. Yes, married, and to each, I performed a wedding ceremony.  Elle, Resse, Siena (Cece), Hannah, and Gabriel, after some carefully worded "typical" wedding jargon on my behalf,  all said, "I do". Elle thinks to get married you say "I do", throw your bouquet of flowers, and then they did. I filmed them dancing and some how, some way, it is not on my camera....argh! I guess some pictures will have to do...
Elle, Reese and Siena moments before the big nuptials

Hannah gearing up

Gabriel's ready too!
I couldn't take pictures of the nuptials, but here is one of Elle dancing afterward.

Afterward, they had some snack bar
 Then it was circle time. This is always interesting because Elle is not the quietest, most well-behaved child there (shocker, I know) but it went relatively well. Her and her BFF, Kennedy, are always chatty Cathy's so that is a give-in.
Kennedy and Elle in a loving embrace?

As there teacher Laura says, "circle time is a work in progress".

Teacher Tina doing story time
After story time, comes snack. Working parents are in charge of one table of usually about 5 kids, and you tell stories, color or read to them while waiting for the food and during the chow time. My table today was very quiet (well, except Elle) but they really enjoyed the book I brought ("If Dog's were as big as Dinosaurs") and we chatted about vacations we took during the summer break. They are really just sooo cute.

Today's snack: rice cakes, cream cheese and nectarines

 After snack, comes outside play (so us parents can clean).

 Elle had a blast jumping with Teacher Tina

The day ends with a line-up to head back inside for ending circle
They sing the "good-bye" song and get ready to do it all over again on Friday.