Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A day in the Life of a Preschooler

 Well, another year of preschool has begun...

September 5th, 2012

 Elle, attends Davis Parent Nursery School (DPNS), a parent cooperative school, meaning I have to "work" one day every other week, attend parent lectures/classes, do weekend cleanings, etc... I know what your thinking, but it really is quite wonderful. My favorite part is getting to see Elle interact at school, and to get to know the other kids and parents of her classmates. Last year she was in the 2-day session (T,TH). Now, she is in 3-day and goes M,W,F. I already LOVE this year. The children are so much better at problem solving, they do more interactive play, and are way more self sufficient. Today was a work day for me. Thanks to Trudie, for watching Harlan, I was able to.  Despite being chaotic as all get out, it was a lot of fun. I was in charge of the "block area", which is the big rug area, the kitchen, dress up area and the quiet area. Wow, was there a lot of kids all at once, but a lot of other moms were there helping their children transition, so they lent a helping hand. The kids were all so adorable, and dress up was the choice of the day! All the girls, and one boy (Gabriel), wanted to be princesses and get married. Yes, married, and to each, I performed a wedding ceremony.  Elle, Resse, Siena (Cece), Hannah, and Gabriel, after some carefully worded "typical" wedding jargon on my behalf,  all said, "I do". Elle thinks to get married you say "I do", throw your bouquet of flowers, and then they did. I filmed them dancing and some how, some way, it is not on my camera....argh! I guess some pictures will have to do...
Elle, Reese and Siena moments before the big nuptials

Hannah gearing up

Gabriel's ready too!
I couldn't take pictures of the nuptials, but here is one of Elle dancing afterward.

Afterward, they had some snack bar
 Then it was circle time. This is always interesting because Elle is not the quietest, most well-behaved child there (shocker, I know) but it went relatively well. Her and her BFF, Kennedy, are always chatty Cathy's so that is a give-in.
Kennedy and Elle in a loving embrace?

As there teacher Laura says, "circle time is a work in progress".

Teacher Tina doing story time
After story time, comes snack. Working parents are in charge of one table of usually about 5 kids, and you tell stories, color or read to them while waiting for the food and during the chow time. My table today was very quiet (well, except Elle) but they really enjoyed the book I brought ("If Dog's were as big as Dinosaurs") and we chatted about vacations we took during the summer break. They are really just sooo cute.

Today's snack: rice cakes, cream cheese and nectarines

 After snack, comes outside play (so us parents can clean).

 Elle had a blast jumping with Teacher Tina

The day ends with a line-up to head back inside for ending circle
They sing the "good-bye" song and get ready to do it all over again on Friday.

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