Sunday, July 1, 2012


 If you live in Davis you most likely drive a Prius, Subaru or a bike; shop at the co-op; buy organic everything; breastfeed in public; use Toms all natural products (and wear Toms too); are a doctor of some sort (probably a veterinarian ); your idea of high fashion is the wall rack at REI; and you most certainly grow your own vegetables. We only embrace a select few of these traits now, but I am always telling Brandon we are one step away from hairy armpits, petruli oil hair, and ditching the diesel for a bike with a trailer (we are actually in the market for a Burley). All jokes aside, Davis truly is a wonderful "green" community and we are honored to call it home.

Our going green efforts have fallen in the hands of Brandon and our garden. We do compost, although I am not sure we have ever used our own soil to fertilize the garden. I think it all just sits in our big black rotating thing rotting. We recycle as well, but it is mainly for money. Brandon stores it all in garbage cans sorted by plastic, cans, glass, etc., and once it gets to a level of unbearable eye soreness, and crowding, he brings it down to the local recycler, along with all the local  homeless people, and cashes in. He usually gets $100 or so (an entire trailer full) and we put it in Elle's college fund. At this rate she will not be attending UCD or Harvard, it will be beauty school for sure.

Though I don't find the garden to be esthetically pleasing, it is pretty yummy. Today was our first harvest, which Elle helped Brandon with. I watched them while taking the dry clothes down from the clothesline and hanging the wet ones up to dry. Oh, I guess I am doing my green part too!
she is a great helper
very excited to show me this tomato

It really is amazing to eat our own organic vegetables. Now, I get to look for great recipes to use these all up in! Thank you, Davis :)

the crop of the day

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